BIRRDS is the launching pad for routing and rating
For new and emerging telecom service providers, BIRRDS (Business Integrated Routing and Rating Database System) is the data tool you need to help your business ascend to the next level. This centralized database is accepted as the industry standard for relaying routing data to interexchange carriers as well as the telecommunications industry as a whole. Through BIRRDS, you get a simple, efficient, and streamlined way to get your business in the conversation, as one of the 1,600+ service providers throughout the North American Numbering Plan (NANP).
BIRRDS puts you in the conversation
BIRRDS offers you a faster, streamlined and convenient way to take your service provider business aloft. It provides you with an easy way to ensure your business is recognized and incorporated into the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). Joining BIRRDS empowers you to have your voice heard without relying on a third-party Administrative Operating Company Number (AOCN).

the essential tool for business growth
BIRRDS essentially levels the playing field for emerging or startup service providers to grow their business. The data entered into BIRRDS is the information source for the LERG Routing Guide allowing you to make more informed decisions and maximize customer satisfaction while helping you minimize revenue losses by quickly troubleshooting call completion issues—or even better, preventing more of them from happening.

the essential database for business growth
As a member of the BIRRDS database, you can look forward to its industry-best intercompany notification process, which permits you to share relevant routing and rating data with any company who needs that information. There are over 5,000 businesses with codes in the BIRRDS database.
The data entered into BIRRDS comprises:
- Central Office Code (NXX)
- Thousand Block assignment (NXX-X)
- Related data elements to facilitate the completion and rating of calls within NANP.