a deep dive into value and benefits of TRA data

TRA data serves the varied needs of local, long distance, competitive local exchange companies and wireless service providers as well as value added resellers, customer care organizations, map developers and other businesses and organizations that depend on accurate snapshots of the PSTN. The TRA Catalog of Products and Services provides access to product descriptions and includes free, downloadable samples. Some data products appear similar but may have significant differences so it is recommended that the product information available under the documents link be reviewed first to help evaluate which data product(s) may best meet specific needs.

Step 1: Please complete the TRA price request form below and submit.

Step 2: The TRA Customer Care Center will email the order request form with prices and a copy of the License Agreement Terms & Conditions. Prices will not include any applicable taxes.

Step 3: Please sign the order request form and upload via the link provided in your email.

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Company Profile Information

Please select an option that best describes your company:

Intended Use

Will any data from the product(s) specified above be made available or copied, in whole or in part, for the purpose of distribution to third parties? *


Please provide your company's approximate annual revenue and indicate if it's for the Entire Company or LOB only. (If the product(s) will only support a portion of the company, enter the adjusted revenue and not it below.)

Telecommunication Services Providers, please check all Lines of Business (LOB) that will use the product(s) specified above and provide the applicable metric quantities.
