TPM™ Data Source

The TPM Data Source supports various systems used in rating and billing telephone calls and can be used as a source for certain data related to NPA NXXs.  It contains data for the United States, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, Canada, Bermuda, 16 island countries in the Caribbean, and Mexico.


Data elements include:

Numbering Plan Area (Area Code) IDDD Capability Indicator
NXX Code (exchange, prefix - with block) Rate Center
Operating Company Number  Place Name
Vertical (V) Coordinate State, Province, Country
Horizontal (H) Coordinate Portability Indicator
Revenue Accounting Office (RAO) Time Zone
Thousands-Block Pooling Indicator Company Type
NXX Type (wireline, paging, cellular, etc.) Other Line Rate Step
Daylight Savings Time Indicator Special Calling Cards



The TPM Data Source provided via the TRA Product Distribution System (PDS) includes a Microsoft Access database version of the data in addition to fix formatted data files. The Access database version of the TPM provides a graphical user interface front-end to access and view data records using a TRA designed "form view" as well as Access "table view". The database requires users to have a local licensed copy of Access. Users with a basic knowledge of Microsoft Access can easily search for specific data elements, create customized queries, cross-relate data files, export data to other software (e.g. Microsoft Excel), generate files that can  serve as input files downstream operations support systems, etc.

Produced:  mid-month monthly (product issuances are dated the 15th of the month following creation)

Distribution Frequency:  monthly or quarterly (March, June, September, December)

Distribution Format(s):  web download

Click here to request more information on the TPM. Data file specifications and the TPM Data Source Glossary are available for download.

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