Telemarketing Data Source

Efficient and compliant telephone outreach is vital for businesses, but challenges arise from changing contact data, evolving regulations and potential fines. Without a reliable source of telephone number information, companies risk operational inefficiency and violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). 

TRA Telemarketing Data Source (TDS) is a valuable tool for call center operations teams looking to be more efficient and maintain compliance with the TCPA by verifying valid telephone numbers, processing customer contact information or suppressing wireless or pager numbers from a database application. 

Using a web-based GUI with the flexibility to extract the data provided relative to NPA NXX (area code, exchange) and Thousands-Block assignments, companies can access data that fits their specific business needs. TDS data enables companies to determine valid area code exchange combinations, Time Zone and Daylight Savings Indicators are also provided by NPA NXX to reduce errors of calling during TCPA prohibited hours of 9PM to 8AM. 

TRA TDS also provides insights into whether a telephone number has recently been ported from wireline to wireless or vice-versa and associated line type changes at both the NPA NXX and individual ten-digit telephone number levels. TDS data comes directly from the Number Portability Administration Center. (NPAC), the country’s only authoritative source of this information.

The telephone number data within TRA TDS includes those that are active within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) area (US, US Territories, Canada and parts of the Caribbean). The recently ported ten-digit telephone numbers are those that are active and assigned for use within the United States. 

The intuitive web-based GUI enables seamless telephone number data management as well as custom and automated reports that can be extracted via API integration. Its ability to ensure compliant, cost-effective and efficient operations makes TRA TDS the premier trusted solution for call center needs.

The following screen shots depict Single Query (one record) and Bulk Query (many records) selection screens. The output, based upon selection criteria, can be downloaded in CSV file formats for Single Queries, or in pipe-delimited flat files for Bulk Queries. The standard files available for web download are in ASCII text data file formats that can then be directly viewed or integrated into local databases as business needs may dictate.


production schedule

Produced: daily
Distribution Frequency: daily
Distribution Format(s): web access


iconectiv TRA 350x350 production schedule

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