prepare for future adds, changes and disconnects
The NPA NXX Activity Guide (NNAG) helps you prepare for all future NPA NXX adds, changes and disconnects, as well as last minute changes to active records as the NNAG is considered as a complement to the NPA NXX Active Code List (NNACL). The NNAG is only available to NNACL subscribers.
This product is a useful resource for:
- Telemarketers, credit card companies, customer service groups, and others maintaining customer lists/databases
- PBX maintenance staff
- Database administrators
- Any party needing to confirm if a given NPA NXX has been assigned
The NNAG consists of NPA NXX records associated with future activity reported by service providers (generally covering several months ahead), as well as last minute changes made in the prior month. Data provided includes the assigned service provider (OCN) of the NPA NXX, the type of service that is provided (e.g. wireless) by the assigned service provider, the associated Rate Center and State/Province/Country, and a Portability Indicator. Also included is a file that can be used to translate the Operating Company Number (OCN) to a company name. A user-friendly and dynamic “search” program to facilitate data selection and extraction is also provided with each issue of the product. A general information section explains the data in greater detail.
The primary NNAG file includes an activity code associated with the NPA NXX and its data (E=establish, M=modify, D=disconnect), as well as the date that the activity is currently targeted to occur.
The NNAG does not list active NPA NXX information unless it is associated with a future modification or deletion however; the separately available NPA NXX Active Code List (NNACL) contains a complete list of active codes. TRA does not provide integration processes between the two lists.
The example provided at the end of this description is a depiction of results from the user interface provided with each copy of the NNAG. Results from queries generated through this interface can be downloaded to your local environment using various user-controlled options. Fixed-width ASCII files data feels are also included with each product should you wish to directly use the data from such files in lieu of the user interface. This data can be locally imported into Excel, loaded into locally developed databases, and/or read with applications that can read text files (e.g. Notepad, Microsoft® Word). Reading and processing of the data is a local consideration, based on user needs, processing environment, etc.
If there is need to initialize or periodically maintain a complete set of active NPA NXX records, such is available quarterly through the NNACL product. An integration application to directly update the NNACL data with the NNAG data is not provided due to the wide range of user environments and uses of the data; such must be developed by the user if needed. Due to the vast diversity among user environments, integration of the data into your local environment is your responsibility; however, TRA can assist your staff through explanation of the data, etc.
production schedule
Produced: first workday monthly
Distribution Frequency: monthly
Distribution Format(s): web download