stay in control: maintain, administer and manage data
The LIDB (Line Information Data Base) Access Routing Guide (LARG) is a single source for Line Information DataBase (LIDB) access routing data. The data can be used to administer and maintain Signal Transfer Point (STP) global title translation (GTT) tables for routing to data sources supporting Alternate Billing Services (certain calling cards, bill-to-third, collect). It identifies the responsible Signaling Network Control Center (SNCC), the appropriate Line Information DataBase provider, the inter-network route effective date and the capability code or pseudo point code data. The LARG’s format and content is similar to the Calling Name Access Routing Guide (CNARG) that is used to manage access for database queries relative to Calling Name information.
The LARG is a useful tool for:
- Alternate Billing Service providers
- Database maintenance staff
- Increasing accuracy of queries
- Improving GTT performance
A text file that defines data fields, provides contact information, etc., is provided with each issue.
production schedule
Produced: first workday monthly
Distribution Frequency: monthly
Distribution Format(s): web download